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La vente à réméré : ensemble nous protégeons votre patrimoine...


                               Repurchase sales : together we protect your assets...

 welcomes you !

Choosing the right financing, starts with choosing the right advisor...

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About us

AREME CAPITAL - VINSIX Merchants Bank (VINSIX S.A Group ), is an advisory structure intended to support customers and operators in the context of Remere sale, but also in the search for Financing.

Our offer is intended for a mainly European clientele.

We operate exclusively in Switzerland, France, Spain and Luxembourg.

We benefit from a unique network in Europe, made up of professionals from the banking sector, real estate operators, and specialist in bond financing.

Our offer is dedicated to French-speaking or Spanish-speaking Londoners wishing to make real estate acquisitions in Europe.

Our important partner networks allow us to offer you a turnkey solution, from looking for property, including financing, to signing.

Whether you are a buyer, seller, looking for financing or refinancing solutions for your portfolio, we can help you with your steps.

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Our Services

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Men with Calculator


Expert advice

AREME CAPITAL, specializes in connecting Buyer-Seller, in the context of short sale operations in France, Spain and Luxembourg.

Analysing the Numbers

Real estate financing

A European banking network

We act as a Financing consultant on behalf of real estate operators, whether for sale or for conventional mortgage financing, via equity release.

Analysing the Data


Additional Financing

We act as crowdfunding specifiers, in the framework of the multiple partnership agreements set up with market leaders.

We can assist you in your collection needs in Europe.

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Contact us


Boulevard Georges Favon,43.1204 Geneva.Switzerland.

Registered Number: CHE-446-152-987 - Contact :

Glass Buildings
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